Student involvement

There is an active student life at Kehl University of Applied Sciences, which the students largely organise themselves. To this end, they organise themselves in various committees, which, for example, enable them to participate in the Senate.

Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AStA)

The General Students' Committee (AStA) at Kehl University of Applied Sciences is the first point of contact and mouthpiece for students. It is also the central organ of the "constituted student body". What this means exactly is explained in Section 65 of the State Higher Education Act.

The AStA is open to all students with questions about the university or problems with their studies. The members are happy to help you find solutions, put you in touch with contact persons and can offer advice and support based on their own experience.

1. to represent the political, academic, interdisciplinary, social, economic and cultural interests of the students. The AStA has four seats in the Senate and two seats in the AG Studienreform and is represented with four seats in the Study Commission (two per faculty).

2. participation in the general tasks of the university (cf. §§ 2 to 7 LHG). This includes the cultivation and development of science and teaching in a liberal, democratic and social constitutional state, the freedom of science and research, equal opportunities, evaluation, co-operation between universities and with other institutions as well as structural and development planning.

3. the promotion of political education and a sense of civic responsibility among students. The AStA has set itself the task of expanding the (political) education on offer at the university and therefore focuses on the planning, organisation and implementation of topic-specific events, which are specifically intended to promote university education, but also, in particular, political education and thus the students' sense of civic responsibility.

4. the promotion of equal opportunities and the reduction of disadvantages within the student body. Circumstances such as physical impairments, chronic illnesses, mental health problems, childcare or caring for a family member can affect everyday student life. The AStA is particularly committed to the needs of these student groups and helps to break down barriers.

The AStA is made up of seven students who are always in office for one year from 1 June. Die vier Mitglieder mit den meisten Stimmen gehören kraft Gesetz auch dem Senat an. 

Address: AStA Kehl University of Applied Sciences | Kinzigallee 1 | 77694 Kehl

Apprentices' Staff Council (APR)

Both Bachelor's degree programmes at Kehl University of Applied Sciences have their own Training Staff Council (APR). The APR is responsible for all university measures that affect prospective students, in particular general staff representation vis-à-vis the university management. Specific topics include compliance with data protection, equal treatment of men and women and the integration of disabled students. The APR is also involved in disciplinary matters, as it has a right of participation in these.

The most important goal of the APR is the continuous dissemination of information on study-related topics, which takes place in particular through information events. The APR has also compiled an overview of which entries are permitted in the VSV and, with the help of students, has drawn up a question and answer catalogue containing information on examination matters, the time after graduation and numerous other topics.

The APR of Kehl University of Applied Sciences is pleased to be in contact with the APR of the partner university in Ludwigsburg. Regular exchanges take place, alternating between Kehl and Ludwigsburg. In particular, this strengthens professional cooperation. In the past, for example, the APCs of Kehl and Ludwigsburg universities have written a joint letter to the state government to protest against the planned cuts.

The regular term of office of the Training Staff Council (APR) lasts only one year - in deviation from the standard duration of four years in the State Staff Representation Act (LPVG) - which is due to the duration and structure of the study programme. 

Die Studierendenschaft wählt dementsprechend jährlich aus ihrer Mitte die 13 Mitglieder des APR, welche aus allen Studienjahrgängen kommen. Die Ausbildungspersonalräte sind ehrenamtlich tätig.

APR Public Management (B.A.):

APR Digitales Verwaltungmanagement (B.A.):

Student Self-government (SSV)

The SSV is the university's independent leisure organisation and offers students numerous opportunities to volunteer, get creative, make new friends and play an active role in shaping everyday university life outside the seminar rooms. 

  • The sports department organises a wide range of activities such as volleyball, football, cheerleading, yoga and fitness courses.
  • The Korkreferat is committed to the Kork Epilepsy Centre, for example by collecting donations through cake sales.
  • The Culture and Social Department organises parties and other events together with the Travel Department (summer party, campus tours, rallies through Kehl, trips to the Lubu game, to Strasbourg or to the Canstatter Wasn).
  • The PR department is responsible for the SSV's public relations work, manages its social media presence and regularly designs a page in the State Gazette for BW.
  • The media department organises regular cinema evenings in the university auditorium during the semester.
  • The Music Department organises music-making students for choir, band and orchestra (performance at the open-air concert, summer festival, Advent concert).
  • The environmental department provides information on current environmental issues and gives tips on how you can make a difference even with little things. The students also support the city of Kehl every two years with the district cleaning campaign.

Kehl University of Applied Sciences has its own merchandise! Click here to go to the shop: 

Phone: +49 7851 894-205
Address: SSV Kehl University of Applied Sciences | Kinzigallee 1 | 77694 Kehl

During the semester, you can also find the chairpersons of the SSV during the "big break" from 9.40 to 10.00 am in the SSV room in building 2.

Student Council (StuRa)

The Student Council (StuRa), consisting of the group representatives of the individual study groups, represents the student body vis-à-vis the university management. To this end, the two bodies meet every semester to maintain contact. Further meetings can be convened if necessary. In addition, the StuRa chair audits the SSV's cash management.

The StuRa consists of the group representatives of the individual study groups and their deputies. You automatically become a member of the StuRa if you are elected to one of these positions.  

The term of office for members of the StuRa is one year. At the first meeting of the newly constituted StuRa, a new chairperson and their deputy are elected. The StuRa is quorate if at least half of the voting members are present. The group spokespersons are entitled to vote. If they are not present, the right to vote is transferred to the deputy.  

University radio project

The students of the university radio project create a daily radio programme for the office radio every semester. The University of Freiburg provides broadcasting time for this. Just the right project for creative students who enjoy going on air together.

During the lecture period: Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 8.00 a.m. on UniFM 88,4.

Listen from anywhere in three simple steps:

1. App „ – Radio und Podcast“ aus dem Google Play Store or Apple Store herunterladen.

2. In der App nach „UniFm“ (88,4) suchen.

3. lean back and enjoy the programme.

Montag: Carl Louis, Laines
Dienstag: Melis, Kim, Max*
Mittwoch: Stella, Burcin
Donnerstag: Viktoria, Valentina
Freitag: Justin, Leon, Simon*

* The Tuesday and Friday teams alternate on a weekly basis. 

The university radio team on Instagram: @hochschulradio_kehl

If you have any questions or feedback, simply send an e-mail to Prof Dr Ina Klingele ( schreiben.

Fachprojekt Study Share

Die Online-Plattform Study Share ist eine digitale Verkaufs- und Tauschbörse des Fachprojekts „Nachhaltigkeit an der Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Kehl“.

Hier können Kehler Studierende Lehrbücher, Möbel und Kleidung kaufen und verkaufen, Wohnmöglichkeiten inserieren, Mitfahrgelegenheiten finden und vieles mehr.

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