Digital is
your thing?
Then you've come to the right place! "Digitales Verwaltungsmanagement" is young, fresh and innovative: with a combination of IT, law and management, it brings together what the modern administration of tomorrow needs. So get on board and become part of the digital transformation yourself!
As a digitalisation expert, you are proficient in management, application-related IT and law. You will be able to inspire people with your ideas and drive the digital transformation forward.
With your practice partner at your side, you can put the knowledge you have learnt directly into practice at the start of each semester. This way, we prepare you optimally for your career entry and you build up a professional network at the same time.
In your work in public administration, you will implement public welfare-oriented projects, model new processes close to citizens, plan sustainable IT structures and take people with you into the administration of tomorrow.
civil servant status
Study with financial freedom: As a civil servant on revocation, you will receive around 1,400 euros per month from the state of Baden-Württemberg throughout your studies.
Marcel Hinze
B.A. Digitales Verwaltungsmanagement
"I chose 'Digitales Verwaltungsmanagement' to make a difference, to drive forward digitalisation in Germany and to use the skills I learned during my vocational training as an IT specialist for myself and my fellow human beings. It was and is important to me to drive our country forward, increase the effectiveness of work in the administration and initiate a rethink towards digitalisation."
"I want to help bridge the gap between citizens and the state, and this degree gives us the right tools to do this. The degree programme is also still very young, so we students have many opportunities to help shape it. My career plans were only formed during my studies, because I got something here that I hadn't known before: The feeling of working in a place where I'm really needed."
Simon Kamuf
B.A. Digitales Verwaltungsmanagement
Come by and find out more!
At a glance
Academic degree
Type of degree
Application period
Study start
Status while studying
Available study places
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Full-time degree, 6 semesters, 180 ECTS
jährlich 10. Februar bis 31. Mai
annually 1 September
around 1,400 euros per month
800 per year at the universities of Kehl and Ludwigsburg
Study modern administration
In this degree programme, you will learn how to implement and manage public welfare-oriented projects in public authorities, model new digital administrative processes close to citizens and optimise existing processes, manage IT systems effectively, plan IT structures sustainably and involve people in changes.
In addition to administrative management and relevant digital skills, you will learn about the legal framework for the provision of public services. You will acquire relevant knowledge in the areas of IT, public procurement and data protection law as well as the basics of administrative, civil and contract law.
Study contents
From project management to leadership: all the basics of administrative management are covered here. Practical relevance is always present and student projects are the order of the day.
Computer science
It all starts with bits and bytes and ends with interfaces and sensors programmed in-house. Our IT is application-oriented and tailored to digitalisation.
We stay digital: In addition to general principles of administrative and civil law, you can expect exciting legal specialisations, for example in IT, procurement and contract law.
Course of study
Each of your six semesters begins with a four-week practical phase with your local authority practice partner. As you will always be at the same training centre, you will become a real member of the team, establish close contacts and grow into your future role.
You will meet your fellow students every semester at the university, where you will learn the theoretical basics together and work on projects. Towards the end of the semester, you can show what you have learnt in your exams before enjoying your well-earned lecture-free time.
In the final semester, you have four weeks immediately after the practical phase to put the finishing touches to your Bachelor's thesis. After your final theory phase, you will then go back into practice. Congratulations, you are now an expert in digital administration and can start your career straight away!
01.09. - 30.09.
01.10. - 07.02.
Theory phase at the university
01.03. - 31.03.
01.04. - 15.07.
Theory phase at the university
01.03. - 31.03.
1.04. - 30.04.
Time off for the Bachelor's thesis
01.05. - 15.07.
Theory phase at the university
16.07. - 31.08.
Future prospects
Plan and accompany strategic projects and changes in your organisation, involve those affected, such as colleagues, customers and the public, in order to understand and moderate any resistance and mistrust.
You know how to manage efficient IT structures for organisations and can competently compare, evaluate, procure and use modern IT applications as required.
Whether budget law, municipal regulations, state and European law or administrative procedures: You are (legally) confident in public administration.
From small local authorities to state administrations - as a digitalisation expert, you are in high demand in public authorities. Position yourself ideally for a successful career (as a civil servant) and start your career in the public sector with plenty of tailwind.
After successfully completing your studies, you will drive the digital transformation in state and local administrations in senior or management positions.
Whether in the Human Resources and Organisation Office, in the IT department or as a future mayor - your expertise in digitalisation is in demand across all areas of people's lives and specialist areas of organisations.
- University entrance qualification (HZB) OR the last two certificates leading to a HZB
- Fulfilment of the requirements under civil service law, including possession of German citizenship or citizenship of another EU Member State or another state party to the EEA Agreement
Apply for a study place via our joint Online application portal of the universities of Kehl and Ludwigsburg. Here you can specify up to ten desired partners for your internship, which will then automatically receive your application documents.
Eine Bewerbung ist jährlich zwischen dem 10. Februar und 31. Mai für einen Studienstart im September des gleichen Jahres möglich. Achtung: Manche Ausbildungsstellen haben ggf. eigene Bewerbungsfenster, die sich zeitlich von dem der Hochschule unterscheiden können.
The desired training centres you selected during the online application will invite you to interviews. If the chemistry is right, you will be accepted and have found your practice partner for the entire degree programme.
You've made it! If you fulfil all the requirements, you will receive confirmation of your place from the university at the beginning of July.