Your university

Kehl University of Applied Sciences has been shaping and developing public administration since the 1970s by training young people to work at local and state level in its two Bachelor's and four Master's degree programmes. It is one of the most renowned institutions of its kind in Germany and has specialised not only in teaching but also in researching administrative science mechanisms.

University administration

The Kehl School of Public Administration is a University of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg (HAW), which specialised in public administration 50 years ago. The Ministry of Science, Research & the Arts and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior are responsible for the university.

Based on the target groups, the university has defined three major fields of action / contact points / organisational units according to which it is organised. These are: Study & Teaching | Continuing Education | Research. 

The university is governed by three bodies: University Council | Senate | Rectorate. The committees are in constant dialogue with the target and stakeholder groups, such as students, local and regional administrations and politicians.

University Council

The University Council assumes responsibility in strategic terms, decides on structural and development planning and proposes measures that serve to develop and raise the profile and increase the performance and competitiveness of the university.


The Senate decides on matters relating to research, teaching, studies and continuing education, unless these are assigned to another central body or the faculties by law.


The Rectorate is responsible for the proper fulfilment of tasks and the orderly running of the university administration. The Rector represents the university externally. The Chancellor is responsible for economic and personnel administration. The Vice-Rectors are responsible for studies and teaching as well as research, transfer and continuing education.

The Organisation chart of Kehl University of Applied Sciences bietet einen Überblick über die Organisationsstruktur der Hochschule.

Die Hochschule Kehl hat derzeit sieben Ehrensenatorinnen und Ehrensenatoren.

Hochschulbeauftragte Personen​

Oliver Herbst


Special needs of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses

Data protection

Ethics | Sustainable development

Refugee issues

Issues related to sexual harassment


University didactics

Information security

Projektbeauftragter Einführung HISinONE

Quality management

Scientific management of the data centre

Struktur- und Entwicklungsplan
2023 – 2027

Die Hochschule Kehl sieht sich als wichtige und verlässliche Partnerin aller Akteure im öffentlichen Sektor. Entscheidend für die nächsten Entwicklungsschritte sind deshalb die konkreten Bedürfnisse ihrer Zielgruppen.

Der Entwicklungsprozess dieses Strategiepapiers wurde sehr partizipativ und transparent angelegt. Alle konnten mitmachen, punktuell oder durchgehend, intern oder extern. Im Rahmen von Thinktanks, Arbeitsgruppen, Workshops, Diskussionen, Interviews und Umfragen haben wir unsere Stärken und Schwächen beleuchtet und die Chancen und Risiken des Umfeldes analysiert.

Jahresberichte des Rektors

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